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2014 - 2017

Stage 1

In 2014, the University of Queensland (UQ), through the Sustainable Minerals Institute (SMI), and the Government of Chile, through CORFO, signed an agreement to develop a Center of International Excellence – SMI-ICE- Chile – that will generate benefits for society and the Chilean economy. Profits were to be generated through of research development and technology transfer to address the main challenges that faces the Chilean mining sector in terms of productivity and environmental management. In that year the SMI was created. ICE-Chile and the Center enters the first year and first stage of the Centers of International Excellence program. In 2018, the Center successfully completed the first stage.

2018 - 2021

Stage 2

The Center entered the Operation Stage (Stage 2) in 2018 and changes were made to the governance structure to adjust to the changing dynamics and demands of the industry and context. The Center was strengthened considerably on the topic of sustainability and included social performance as an area of ​​work. During In the first year of Stage 2, the Center began to increase its profile in Chile and was awarded important research and development projects in the lines of Productivity and Sustainability. In parallel, began to develop a strong relationship with many of the largest operators in the industry through through R&D and training projects, including Codelco, BHP, Anglo American and Antofagasta Minerals. During stage 2, 39 R&D projects were carried out with Codelco, BHP, MCI (Mitsubishi Corporation) and Volkswagen among others. During this stage the center strengthened its relationship with its co-executor, the University of Concepción (UdeC), through participation in several large-scale projects together with Codelco and BHP, developing new links with other local universities, including the University of Antofagasta, the Pontifical Catholic University of Chile, the University of Development, the Federico Santa Technical University María and the Pontifical Catholic University of Valparaíso, among others.

2022 - 2024

Stage 3

Today SMI-ICE-Chile is in the Consolidation Stage (Stage 3) which will provide SMI-ICE-Chile with an excellent opportunity to continue its positive track record in delivering effective research and development for the mining industry and society in Chile. It will also offer the opportunity to adapt to the new country context and associated challenges. In Chile there is now a strong focus on creating a broad social value, the protection of natural resources and addressing the threat of climate change. SMI-ICE-Chile is committed to addressing these challenges effectively through the work of the Center together with partners from the public sector, the private sector, civil society and local communities.